Join us next Monday, November 2nd, at 11:15 am on YouTube for
Players, Performers, & Portrayers' presentation of IF I WERE PRESIDENT by
Catherine Stier, directed by
Emily Hawkins.
Sign up for your FREE show link here: https://www.playersperformersandportrayers.com/productions

You all know me, as soon as one show closes, another opens! So excited to be working again with
It's Personal
! Catch It’s Personal: Horrifying on Thursday, October 22 at 5:30pm PST! After the show, we are doing free Halloween TRIVIA!! Come hear me talk about my strange taste in men in my latest piece, “Murder Your Darlings.”

I am beyond excited to share that
Ophelia's Jump Productions
will be producing my show "Homegirls" this Sunday as a part of their WORD Play Festival!
Thank you so much to
Beatrice Casagran
and Caitlin Lopez
for this opportunity!
You can buy tickets here! https://app.arts-people.com/index.php?show=115564